

Access to insurance is rapidly changing especially due to the reach and coverage of mobile networks. The days of monolithic insurance offerings are gone to suit the need and requirement of the majority of people for a more flexible, scalable and budget friendly offering especially in emerging markets. This comes along with need of revamping the enrollment of new insurance covers, renewals and processing of insurance claims. In order to fulfill this need  a secure mobile transaction platform, which allows customer and insurance to access insurance covers and to submit claims seamlessly.

tecways is offering Insurance a complete new channel (secure, scalable messaging platform called tecMtransact) to interact cost effectively with its customers. Especially in emerging markets there are tremendous opportunities for providing insurance services, since these markets are almost virgin and underserved from an insurance perspective.

tecMtransact mobile solution stack enables insurance companies to design and deliver insurance services to address the insurance needs of the vast majority of people especially in emerging markets in a scalable and extremely cost effective way.



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